San Diego

Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan

It can be terrifying to think about a future for your children without you in it.

But the reality is that planning ahead in case of an emergency will benefit your whole family in the long run. 

And I’m here to help you do that, with my Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan.

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San Diego

Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan

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It can be terrifying to think about a future for your children without you in it.

But the reality is that planning ahead in case of an emergency will benefit your whole family in the long run. 

And I’m here to help you do that, with my Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan.

Why a Guardian Plan Is So Important?

The importance of estate planning took a personal turn for me when my appendix ruptured suddenly in 2019, forcing me into emergency surgery and hospitalization.

My two boys were left home alone, and all my family is in the Midwest and weren’t able to get to them quickly. Luckily I did find a solution as a temporary fix, but this experience left me with other unanswered issues.

Who would make sure my children were fed and made it to school if something happened to me? Who would pay my mortgage?

There are all kinds of daily tasks we take for granted throughout the day.

That’s why putting a plan in place is the safest way to protect your children’s’ future.

What’s Included in the Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan

The Plan includes a variety of estate planning documents that will help create some direction for your family in case of an emergency:

  • Will – A will designates new guardians for the minor children in case of death.
  • Power of Attorney (POA) – The POA names guardians for the minor if the parent becomes incapacitated.
  • Nomination of Guardian – This document will act as a back up if something fails in the Will or the POA.
  • Letter to guardian from parent(s) – This will be a personalized letter from the children’s parent(s) explicitly stating directions on how you want the child’s life to be handled. This letter can include things like family values and the type of care you want for your child, preferred living arrangements and any health considerations.
  • Will – A will designates new guardians for the minor children in case of death.
  • Power of Attorney (POA) – The POA names guardians for the minor if the parent becomes incapacitated.
  • Nomination of Guardian – This document will act as a back up if something fails in the Will or the POA.
  • Letter to guardian from parent(s) – This will be a personalized letter from the childrens parent(s) explicitly stating directions on how you want the child’s life to be handled. This letter can include things like family values and the type of care you want for your child, preferred living arrangements and any health considerations.

Additionally, the Plan provides other conversations and items, including:

  • Discussions regarding how to have a conversation with the appointed guardian(s)
  • How to ensure acceptance of guardianship from your preferred guardian(s)
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How much is this going to cost?

$2,750 flat rate

(or $875 for those already doing a full estate plan)

Contact Jennifer Reardon today

At the Reardon Law Firm, we know these conversations are difficult. But we also know that all our clients want to put their families first. The Family First Comprehensive Guardian Plan helps clients create a quick, straightforward, and completely customizable plan for their family that will stay valid for anything the future may throw at you.

Contact the Reardon Law Firm today to get started.

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